Budapest XI.
Neten lévő BÁRMYELYIK hirdetésről írhatsz beszámolót, nem csak a nálunk hirdetőkről
JÓ szexpartner beszámoló


VIP SZTÁR hirdető


Beküldve: 2016-12-22 22:34:16

Az író prémium előfizetéssel látható
Képek száma:

Ha írsz prémium napokat kapsz!
A hirdető még nem reagált a beszámolóra.

Beszámoló Ashley +36306851194 85096 szexpartner

Suntjenss a 2016-11 hónapi randiján történteket írta meg Ashley hirdetővel
SMS kommunikáció:
It was made up that every day at 10 clock with me in the hotel, so I did not need to contact them over the phone. Only on Monday when the flight was delayed, we had to send sms for a short time, so that they know I am there.
Egyértelmű a cím:
Monday I went by taxi to her in District 6. The ride took about 30 minutes, was for the taxi driver to find quickly but for me it would have been a great challenge because for me everything looks the same. When I later drove with Ashley to the hotel (train) we had in district 5 (near the donau). For ignorant like me would be the ride the hell but ashley knew well and so the journey took max 15 min. The hotel is also easy to find, it was next to a hairdresser and nearby was also the "Mercado Central Központi Vásárcsarnok".
Hely diszkréció:
Randi helyszíne:
Egyezés a hirdetéssel:
When I came to Ashley it was an old building. I had to go to the second floor, but she already had the door open and called me purely otherwise I would not have found since the doors were all circular. In the room was on the right side a computer, to the left of it a large couch. Opposite the couch was the bathroom and when you passed right on the couch was a kind of room with a mattress in it. Everything was great, a bit untidy but that's not that bad. My hotel was similarly large, there was a small kitchen at the entrance. Opposite two bathrooms with once a shower and a sink the other only with a toilet. My room had a TV with a DVD player, unfortunately I had not had enough time to take all my DVD, so I saw the same DVD every day ... There was also a balcony, in the summer determined quite nice but opposite the hotel It's a school. So his rest is not really. And finally I had another room with two extra beds which were not noticed by us.
Ashley külseje
Adatok valóságtartalma:
Amiben fogadott:
So the pictures I see with my rank have been edited, one sees no tattoos. She came every day with normal clothes. From appearance: She has long hair, shorn at the sides and the rest mostly worn either as a braid or as a horse tail. She has self-colored eyebrows and blue eyes. Over her lip she has a piercing, on her shoulders she has a cats scratch tattoo. Under her chest a kind of chandelier with a ruby in the middle. On her right side she has a fish tattoo maybe a carp. And lastly on your right thigh, a woman's head with twisted horns, an allusion to the star sign Aries. I personally do not like tattoos, piercings and short hair. But I noticed that the tattoos after some time not more noticed
1. Ashley +36306851194 beszámoló Budapest 85096 erotikus masszázs
3. Ashley +36306851194 beszámoló Budapest 85096 erotikus masszázs4. Ashley +36306851194 beszámoló 2016-12-22 22:34:16 erotikus masszázs 850965. Ashley +36306851194 beszámoló 2016-12-22 22:34:16 erotikus masszázs 850966. Ashley +36306851194 beszámoló 2016-12-22 22:34:16 erotikus masszázs 85096
Barátnő feeling:
Hozzállás, kezdeményezőség:
Pornós feeling:
I went out in the morning to visit the shop around the corner to bring for my family a small souvenir. On the way there came to me Ashley, I told her that I wanted to see briefly whether the shop is already on. We went together, but the barge opened only from 11:00. We then went back to the hotel, on the way to it they bought an energiedrink. In the hotel I started to showers, Ashley showered as always after me. In the meantime, I pocketed some of my things back into my suitcase. When she came into the room, she crouched on the bed, I squatted behind her and began to take her breasts in her hand. She said my hands were cold, so I grabbed her by the neck but nothing happened and then on your belly side, screaming and grabbing my hands away. Then she wanted with her hands to my asshole, she also meant that I should turn around, but I declined. She turned to ask what we want to do now. I pushed her backwards so she lay on her back, I wanted to play with her tits she put her hands on it and just said "no, you don't turn around" then she played with a finger a bit in my face as when Then pressed my head to her chest and then pressed her breasts on my head. I began to lick her breasts and suck them. Always alternately sucked on the breasts, every now and then their two nipples held together and also licked. She had mainly a thin varnish on the face. After a short time and frequent repeat, I began to lick her pussy. She began massaging her own breasts, but shortly afterwards she covered them with the varnish. After about 5 min I stopped licking, I put the varnish away so I could fuck her tits. She licked her hand around her chest with it, I spat in her hand to her breasts with it. I squeezed her breasts together to fuck her, then she fastens me briefly at the basin. But she pointed at me and said that I should not come to her face. I assented this and fucked her tits further, while again pressing her tits. Then I wanted to put her to the closet, so I could fuck her from standing back from behind, but she did not want to cause it because it was supposed to hurt. She then said that we can make doggy and since a discusion around another position unnecessary, I would agree. She stood in position in front of me and was already wiggling with her butt. I just moistened briefly and then I began to press with light pressure into it. I started slowly, but this was getting faster with time and after two minutes I got on her ass. After I had finished I went quickly to the bathroom to get toiled paper to clean ashley but she wanted to do it herself. Afterwards we went separate shower and then packed my things and then we left the hotel together. We are still in the shop went to get a few sauveniere. Ashley called for me a taxi to take me to the airport. At the meeting point we waited a few minutes, but did not entertain us. When the taxi came then there was only two cheek kisses and that was it.
I gave her the money for the week already Monday evening, Tuesday I gave her also the money for the Hiv-test. Monday, Tuesday and Thursday we were eating in three restaurants, of which I paid only two. She bought me three day tickets for the train, as well as the entry of a Tropicarium on Tuesday and on Wednesday a Riverride tour. She wanted to visit with me on Thursday still in the zoo or the "Szabadság szobor" but I did not want that. I do not have a good job so I took four months to save enough money to spend a week with Ashley
Suntjenss nem akarja megosztani a randi időtartamát, és az ajándélba vitt virágszálak számát.

A hirdető a virágszálak számát prémium vendég előfizetéssel csak prémium vendégekenek szeretné megmutatni.
My first feeling what came into my head was disappointment. I mean the sex was okay, not bad either not Perfect but I have increased in five days more. I wanted to try some new sex positions with her, since everything was possible in the porn. But there was so much she did not want to do with me: to shower together? No. Come into her mouth? No. She did not even want me to look at her riding. And much more. Also the escort was hard to bear. We were often on the road but without cohesion, we usually went mostly separate ways and they did not want me to hold their hand. At the food we did not have much conversation, usually a bit rumgealbert so the mood did not totally disappear. She has a hot body with which you can make many horny things but you need a good sympathy and we do not have two.

Hasznos volt a beszámoló?

Szavazz! Ettől függ, hogy az író mennyi prémium napot és pontot kap a beküldött beszámolóért. Csak rajtatok múlik!

A szavazás állását a szavazatod leadása után láthatod, hogy mások szavazata véletlenül se befolyásoljon :)

A szavazás eredményét megnézni és szavazni regisztráció után tudsz


Beszélgetés Ashley szexpartner beszámolójáról

A beszámolóról szóló beszélgetés csak prémium vendég előfizetőknek érhető el ennél a hirdetőnél.Mutasd mindet

FunkciókAshley legfrissebb beszámolói

istennő: 13db
(2024-04-08) : Ashley vette kezébe az irányítást. Melleivel simogatta lompit. Szegényem teljesen eltévedve bolyongott a hatalmas " homokdűnék " között. Siklott közöttük ide oda és igen csak begerjedt.

(2023-08-30) : Elereszti - nézd fölkel és nagy nevetés közben újra torka mélyén lompi. Hagytam, hosszan játszadozott én pedig nagyon élveztem e játékot. Éreztem Kedvesem kezd nagyon beindulni.

(2023-08-15) : Közben fölnéz. Szemeiből kéjes elszántság sugároz. Tövig nyeli, fejét rajta tartom. Épen időben engedem el, így nincs öklendezés. Közben megy a vertikális petting. Nagyokat nevetünk. Farkam tövig szájában, de csak nevet hangosan.

felejthetetlen: 48db
(2023-12-29) : Végignyalja lomposom keresztbe, hossźába. Nÿála a tökföldet áztatja. Megszívja makkomat és azzal a lendülettel torkára ereszti. Frenetikus a franciája. Ritmus, mélység kiszámíthatatlanul változatos formában előadva.

(2023-08-18) : Hanyatt feküdtem és elmarkolta a cerkát, amivel szakértő módjára el is játszadozott. Volt mélytorok, isteni nyelvmunka, vákuum képzés. Persze közben incselkedő megjegyzésekkel húz, dicsér.

(2023-07-31) : Végig nyalta falta a golyókat és annak környékét majd eltüntette farkamat tövig és nagyon érzékien, többször végig nyalva, a golyókkal is játszva dolgozott rajtam. mindenképpen szerettem volna viszonozni kedvességét ezért engedélyt kértem hogy punciját közelebbről is megismerjem

nagyon jó: 32db
(2023-08-05) : Vízszintesbe kerülve kézbe, majd szájba veszi az alkatrészem. Ahhh tetszik a művelet. Pár percet elvagyunk, aztán kérem a 69-et, ki nem hagynám. Természetesen finom a punci. Átrendeződünk, hogy jobban ízlelgessem Őt. Reális esély van öröm okozására.

(2023-07-31) : Arra kértem Ashley-t hogy szopjon. Sokáig és lassan. És uraim Ashley szop. Szépen, lassan, simogat, puszilgat, mint egy kiéhezett barátnő. Rettenetesen jól csinálja a szopást.

(2023-06-19) : Ajtó mögül elém.toppant azonnal csók , és meg azonnal a ciciknek.estem aztán kézmosás mert azért kell a higiénia is.Simogattuk egymást közben percenként abbahagytuk mert röhögünk a másik poenjain . Imádom , mert nem csak dugás hanem standup is egyben 😆

: 59db
(2024-03-15) : Ashley started sucking my dick. Oh yes, her French is simply divine. While she was sucking my dick, I was caressing her pussy with my fingers.

(2024-02-21) : Franciája nagyon jó, technikás, változó tempó, mélység és intenzitás. Tojások is kaptak szeretgetést, lejjebb is ment volna ha kérem, de az engem izgat, nem az én világom. Kis ideg élveztem eme tevékenységét, mikor felajánlotta, hogy mostmár meglovagolna.

(2024-02-13) : Előttem térdelt az ágyon keresztben és úgy megszívta a szerszámot mintha oxigén jönne belőle. Közben én mögé nyúlva óvatosan becsúsztattam az egyik ujjamat hátulról, így ismét két végéről voltam benne egyszerre amikor én is felértem a csúcsra és nagyokat nyögve,

egyeztetési probléma: 2db
(2016-01-23) : Én a megbeszéltek szerint el is indultam, már a környéken voltam, amikor 5 (!!!) perccel az időpont előtt küld egy smst, hogy sajnos dugóban áll, nem fog odaérni.

(2016-01-17) : A telefonbeszélgetések és SMS-ek alapján nem gondoltuk volna, hogy a napokkal ezelőtt megbeszélt randevúra nem jött el.