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Ha beszámolót írsz, prémium vendég napokat kapsz!
JÓ erotikus masszázs beszámoló


Normál hirdető


Beküldve: 2024-04-22 00:49:41

Az író prémium előfizetéssel látható
Képek száma:

Ha írsz prémium napokat kapsz!
A hirdető még nem reagált a beszámolóra.

Beszámoló Tara +36303136269 121287 erotikus masszázs

DiosCsiga a 2024-04 hónapi randiján történteket írta meg Tara hirdetővel
perfekt alak
jól átmozgat, átgyúr
érdekes beszélgetőpartner
Viber kommunikáció:
Személyes üzenetben:
I contacted her on Viber. She answered 5 minutes later. I had notifications turned off, so I did not see it for another 20 minutes, but when I responded she quickly reciprocated and made the appointment. It was very easy.
Egyértelmű a cím:
It is not hard to get to from the 4 tram. It was easy to find. The address was accurate. I sent her a text through viber when I got there and she gave me instructions. All was clear and simple.
I didn't inquire about price or what the opportunities were. I did not want to seem rude. Maybe I should have asked more about that.
Randi helyszíne:
Hely diszkréció:
The apartment is fine. It is very clean. The WC is separate from the shower. The shower is NICE, lots of hot water.
One minor thing---when she sent me to take the after-massage shower, she gave me the same towel I had used for the first shower. I would have preferred a new, dry towel.

One peculiarity---there is mouthwash in the bathroom and a set of disposable plastic cups. I really like that... but it turns out that kissing was not allowed. I hoped (when I saw the mouthwash) that kissing was available, so this was a real let-down.
Tara külseje
Adatok valóságtartalma:
Amiben fogadott:
As her pictures show, Tara has a great body. Her hair was brown for our time together. In some of her pictures, her hair looks lighter. I don't know if that is due to the lightning or if she dyed her hair, but it was definitely darker than I thought. Her face is obscured in her pictures, but she is pretty. Nothing to worry about (as other reviews have no doubt said many times!)
1. Tara +36303136269 beszámoló Budapest 121287 erotikus masszázs
3. Tara +36303136269 beszámoló Budapest 121287 erotikus masszázs4. Tara +36303136269 beszámoló 2024-04-22 08:07:12 erotikus masszázs 1212875. Tara +36303136269 beszámoló 2024-04-22 08:07:12 erotikus masszázs 1212876. Tara +36303136269 beszámoló 2024-04-22 08:07:12 erotikus masszázs 121287
Erotikus masszázs
Egyéni igények:
Tara gives a high quality massage. That is not why I went to see her, but it was definitely pleasant.
Before we started I told her that I like hard massages, but that I'd like to keep it short so there was more time for cuddling. [simogatás / bújás]. I told her that caressing and kissing was more important to me than the ending. That is when she told me that mouth kissing was not allowed.

Anyway, the actual massage part was very pleasant and good, but I would have liked more mutual caressing. Instead, the program was Massage + Slider + happy ending. I realize that is very standard and what lots of people like, but it isn't my preference, and I tried to alert her to the importance of mutual caress.

During the massage I practiced my Hungarian, and she we had a good conversation. She was very kind in letting me try to speak Magyarul, and I was quite pleased with that.
Barátnő feeling:
Hozzállás, kezdeményezőség:
Kézi kényeztetés:
Natúr francia (előjátékként):
Pornós feeling:
After the back massage was finished, she gave me a nice slider, first side-to-side and then she got on top of me (no penetration, of course) and continued rubbing her tits against me.

Then she began giving me a hand job (I had indicated that it was better to start with a hand job). Here things could have gone better. She rubbed my cock in pleasant ways, but she kept switching what she was doing so that I could never settle into a rhythm. I had a hard time explaining in Hungarian that she should not switch so often, and her English is not great (it is not an easy thing to describe). She was looking for guidance, which I appreciate.

Another issue was that I really enjoy pleasing my partner. She indicated that she did not like fingering, and I don't think my general caressing of her ass, legs, tits, or pussy did much for her. That made it a little harder for me to come.

It turned out okay because I told her what she was doing was good (it was) and to keep on doing that same thing.

There was a bit of an issue at the end. I was about to explode and I indicated I wanted to finish in her mouth. She rapidly tried to wipe the oil off my cock and put it her mouth, but I came right when she was still 1 centimeter away, so some of it probably got on her lips, or even her face. This was not intentional, and I apologized for it---she indicated it was all fine.
No extras were discussed. Based on other reviews, I was a little surprised when he told me how much the gift should be. We hadn't talked about that, but I had read other reviews. Maybe she charged me extra because of the quasi-facial at the end, I don't know.
A randi másfél órás volt, és az ajándék 40 virágszálból álló csokor volt.
(A 2024-04 hónapi randin tapasztalt, a vendég által megadott információ, ami az adott randira vonatkozik, és iránymutatásra szolgál. Pontos feltételekről mindig egyeztess a hirdetővel.)

A hirdető a virágszálak számát nem adta meg a hirdetésében.
Overall, it was a mixed experience---but the massage was really good and I really enjoyed the conversation we could have while she rubbed my back. I really like the "girlfriend experience" and did not get that here.
But I don't think there is anything to complain about. I understand why lots of people like her.

Hasznos volt a beszámoló?

Szavazz! Ettől függ, hogy az író mennyi prémium napot és pontot kap a beküldött beszámolóért. Csak rajtatok múlik!

A szavazás állását a szavazatod leadása után láthatod, hogy mások szavazata véletlenül se befolyásoljon :)

A szavazás eredményét megnézni és szavazni regisztráció után tudsz


Beszélgetés Tara erotikus masszázs beszámolójáról

A beszámolóról szóló beszélgetés csak prémium vendég előfizetőknek érhető el ennél a hirdetőnél.Mutasd mindet

FunkciókTara legfrissebb beszámolói

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